About 15 years ago, my step-dad achieved his lifelong goal of being a news anchorman. Well, kind of. He was featured on our local t.v. station’s evening newscast showing how he had winterized our family home’s exterior pipes with… towels. As a newer homeowner, this was above my level of experience -- and it opened my eyes to the need to do more than just enjoy the fruits of home ownership, but to also put a little more labor (than writing the monthly mortgage check) into the home.
As temperatures drop, even if we don’t see snow, we still need to be savvy about preparing our homes for the winter. Pipes on the exterior of our walls, such as our hose faucets/water supply, are vulnerable to freezing which means they’re vulnerable to subsequently bursting, causing water damage to our home and personal items.
It’s not too late to perform a check-up on your home – looking for water pipes that may be vulnerable to freezing. Our local hardware store offers items like faucet socks and pipe wrapping insulation that are homeowner-friendly to install. Consulting with your local plumber and heating professional will also offer give you the guidance you need to prevent any unwanted service calls when time is of the essence!
-- Felicia